November 2021  Great public success for Christian Leotta's return to Milan, performing a solo recital at "Auditorium Giorgio Gaber" last November 14th, presented by Regione Lombardia and sold out since weeks. His performance of the last three Piano Sonatas by Beethoven Op. 109, 110 and 111, was followed by long applauses, and the pianist played as encore the sublime Piano Sonata D 571 by Franz Schubert. 

November 2021 From October 28th to November 23rd Italian television channel Sky Classica HD broadcasted for nine times Christian Leotta's recital of music by Schubert, Rossini and Scarlatti!  

February 2020
 Long applauses and ovations have crowned, last February 9th, the conclusion of the complete cycle of Schubert’s Piano Sonatas, performed by Christian Leotta at Como’s Teatro Sociale in four recitals. Prof. Alberto Cima wrote on "Il Settimanale": "Schubert did not reach yet the rank he deserves. It is Christian Leotta’s incontestable merit to propose not only in Europe but also in Asia almost the whole body of his piano music, giving an interpretation that today, undoubtedly, can be considered among the best ever". On newspaper "La Provincia", Prof. Stefano Lamon added: “... with the apex of the Sonata D 960 Christian Leotta sublimated the balance. A perfect mix between dream, flow of the Schubertian musical discourse and nuances that let us get carried away, engaged and fascinated by his playing. The extreme delicacy of the Andante sostenuto, the purity of the Scherzo, colored by precious accentuations and Portato, the Allegro ma non troppo which the public wished it would never end, marked  the conclusion of this musical voyage" (see the reviews' page).

January  2020 Christian Leotta’s complete cycle of Schubert’s Piano Sonatas at Como's stunning Teatro Sociale continues to gain a great public and critic success. In a review on the prestigious magazine “Musica”, Prof. Alberto Cima wrote: "The variety of his sound, from the Pianissimo to the Fortissimo, is spectacular… Christian Leotta has been capable to penetrate authoritatively into Schubert’s heartfelt… His technique is amazing. He alternated moments of great virtuosism and deep poetry. He is capable to fascinate and surprise not only for his technique and his sense of the line, but also for a nearly supernatural sound of an extraordinary density and power, delicacy and sensitivity. (see the reviews' page). 

November 2019
 "An extraordinary success for the Pianist's Second Recital”: with this title, noted music critic Alberto Cima described on a fantastic review the performance of Christian Leotta's second recital of his Schubert’s Piano Sonatas Cycle at the Teatro Sociale of Como, Italy. He also added: "The Piano Sonata D 959 shows an extremely rich range of state of souls and it’s a work of unique geniality, with an “Allegro” greatly developed. Stands out in this opus a beautiful cantabile line with a melody of profound sensitivity, which uses with extreme care the dynamics of “Pianissimo” (PP) and that of “more than Pianissimo” (PPP), which only a great interpreter, such as Christian Leotta, is capable of playing perfectly, thus making plausible also the most intimate moments. The performance of Christian Leotta was of an extraordinary value thanks to his great technique, to his beautiful sound and to his expressivity. What’s astonishing in his playing is the contrast between a great and almost visionary virtuosism, unbridled and extroverted on one side, and a lyrical concentration to the limit of the ecstasy, on the other" (see the reviews' page).

November 2019 Another great review on the first recital of Christian Leotta's cycle of Schubert’s Piano Sonatas, performed at the Teatro Sociale of Como, has just appeared on Italy’s oldest music magazine “Musica”,  wrote by noted music critic Prof. Luca Segalla, who stated: “…The performance of Schubert by Leotta really deserves to be listened carefully. It was evident in his playing a great continuity of intentions form the first to the last note of the recital, in the sign of a very virile and a very meditative approach to Sonatas which are often played, erroneously, as just small jewels of salon. His phrasing was noble, everything were proceeding with rigour in the sign of an elegant and harmonious Classicism, but also with a great richness of dynamics, with a particular care to that of “Pianissimo” (see the reviews' page).

October 2019 "A triumph for Christian Leotta at the Octobre Musical de Carthage": this fantastic title opens the rave review of Mr. Hatem Bourial on Christian Leotta's first recital of his cycle of Schubert's Piano Sonatas, presented by the young pianist at the Acropolium of Carthage, Tunisia, for the first time in Africa's history! (see the reviews' page).

October 2019 Another huge public and critic success for Christian Leotta, performing the first recital of his Schubert's Piano Sonatas Cycle at the stunning Teatro Sociale of Como, Italy! Noted music critic Alberto Cima wrote: "Christian Leotta showed an extraordinary virtuosism, delicate sonorities, an incomparable articulation, a great phrasing, dizzying and endless nuances from Pianissimo to Fortissimo" (see the reviews' page).

August 2019 Christian Leotta, the first Italian pianist who performed both the cycles of Beethoven’s and Schubert’s Piano Sonatas, following the extraordinary public and critic success gained last year in Japan at the prestigious Alti Hall of Kyoto, while presenting a cycle of seven recitals entirely dedicated to Franz Schubert (which were the largest series of concerts dedicated to Schubert ever performed by one pianist), will soon present another magnificent musical project, playing at the beautiful Teatro Sociale of Como, Italy, a series of four recitals dedicated to the Piano Sonatas of Franz Schubert, scheduled on October 1st, November 3rd and December 9th 2019, and on January 13th 2020!

May 2019 An extraordinary success crowned Christian Leotta’s return to Como, Italy, playing at the Teatro Sociale on the occasion of the “International Day of the Light”, performing one Piano Sonata by Beethoven and one Piano Sonata by Schubert in the frame of the “Festival della Luce Lake Como” in the presence of the President of the Senate of Italy, Hon. Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, who declared during her speech which followed the performance of the first Piano Sonata by Beethoven: “I would really like to thank from the bottom of my heart the great Maestro Leotta, who gave us emotions and who made us to dream while playing the “Moonlight”, thank you Maestro!”. Christian Leotta had also the privilege to meet personally the President of the Senate, giving her the box-set of ten 10 CDs including his recordings of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas. 

April 2019 Great expectation for Christian Leotta's return to Como! Next May 16 the young Italian pianist will be performing music by Schubert and by Beethoven at the magnificent Teatro Sociale of Como, celebrating the “International Day of the Light” in the frame of the “Festival della Luce”, in the presence of the President of the Senate of Italy Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. 

March 2019 Outstanding success for Christian Leotta's solo debuts in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and in Istanbul, Turkey! Mr. Leotta’s performances of works by Ludwig van Beethoven and by Franz Schubert were once more highly prized by the public, winning long applauses and standing ovations in both capitals.

February 2019 Two outstanding concert reviews on Christian Leotta’s new Schubert Cycle of seven recitals have been published on the February issues of Japanese prestigious music magazines “Ongaku No Tomo” and “Ongaku Gendai”. Prof. Nakamura wrote on “Ongaku No Tomo”: “the Piano Sonata D 960 was beyond any description” and, on  “Ongaku Gendai”, Ms. Notohara added: “ his genius and his poetic sentiment conquered me completely” (see the reviews' page). 

December 2018 With an amazing standing ovation and several minutes of applauses, Christian Leotta has concluded last December 9th his tenth tour in Japan, performing for the first time his new seven recital cycle entirely dedicated to Franz Schubert, presented at the prestigious Alti Hall of Kyoto. The very numerous public has listened with the deepest attention and appreciation to the most ample series of concerts dedicated to Franz Schubert ever performed by one pianist, including the Piano Sonatas, the Wanderer Fantasy, the Moments Musicaux, the Impromptus D 899 and D 935, the Drei Klavierstucke D 946, the 13 Variations D 576 and the Allegretto D 915, by the Viennese composer. Christian Leotta has thus completed a series of recitals in Kyoto and in Tokyo that, in the past five years, made him to play as many as eighteen different programs of music by Bach, Beethoven and Schubert, prized by the greatest public and critic success. 

June 2018  Ongaku No Tomo, the most prestigious music magazine in Japan and Asia, published an outstanding review on Christian Leotta's interpretation of Schubert. Famous musicologist Takayoshi Nakamura wrote: "As I expected knowing his playing, Christian Leotta produced a beautiful sound, and that gave already so much to Schubert’s music. He also created a lyrical and dramatic music world and thanks to its marvelous sonorities he made the audience feel like as his playing was falling from heaven" (see reviews' page).

May 2018  A prolonged standing ovation at the prestigious Teatro Sergio Cardoso of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has crowned last May 10th Christian Leotta’s XXII tournée in Latin America. The tour started on April 24th from Mexico, playing at the new concert hall of Guadalajara “PALCCO”, continuing in Mexico City at the Anfiteatro Simon Bolivar, then in Lima, Peru, at the Teatro Pirandello, to end in Sao Paulo, Brazil, performing two recitals with an all Beethoven and an all Schubert programs at the Teatro Anne Frank and at the Teatro Sergio Cardoso. Christian Leotta has been chosen to perform the official concert of the “European Day 2018”, playing in Sao Paulo in the presence of diplomats from all the European Union countries, giving also a masterclass at the University UNESP of Sao Paulo.  

March 2018 Great success in Japan for Christian Leotta, performing at the Alti Hall of Kyoto the First Part of his new seven recitals cycle dedicated to Franz Schubert. Each concert was sold out and it has been necessary to add several seats on stage to permit to all audience to assist to Christian's performances. Japanese newspaper "Classic Note" dedicated to Christian Leotta the opening article on its front page. Great success for Christian also in Tokyo, were he performed for the third time, making his debut in a sold out Musashino Hall with a full Beethoven program. Christian Leotta will be back to Japan next November to complete with four more recitals his new Schubert's cycle at the Alti Hall of Kyoto.  

February 2018 Christian Leotta's piano solo recital at the Musashino Hall of Tokyo of next March 23rd is already sold out!!!

January 2018  Great success for Christian Leotta on the occasion of his second tournée in the Arabian Peninsula, where the public of Riyadh and of Jeddah prized the young pianist with two standing ovations and long applauses. The principal English language newspaper, “The Saudi Gazette”, dedicated a full page to the recital and titled: “Italian mission organizes superb musical evening”. 

December 2017 “Musica”, Italian oldest music magazine, interviews Christian Leotta in the December/January issue. Christian Leotta talks to Prof. Alberto Cima about his new project to perform seven recitals entirely dedicated to Franz Schubert, which he will play for the first time in Japan in 2018. Prof. Alberto Cima wrote: "Christian Leotta, nato a Catania nel 1980, ma comasco d’adozione, e' un pianista in costante ascesa: e' stato tra l’altro il piu' giovane pianista al mondo, con Daniel Barenboim, ad affrontare le 32 Sonate di Beethoven, avendole presentate in pubblico, per la prima volta, nel 2002 a Montreal. Ora si accinge a intraprendere un’altra titanica impresa: il ciclo delle Sonate per pianoforte di Franz Schubert, in sette recital che terra' a Kyoto nei mesi di marzo, novembre e dicembre del 2018. E' il primo pianista italiano a cimentarsi in questo progetto. Le sue interpretazioni si distinguono per una grandiosita' epica, ampi contrasti di intensita' e qualita' di suono, una profonda espressivita' del «cantabile», il rilievo del legato e la tecnica virtuosistica, con un tocco molto particolare. Ho avuto l’opportunita' di incontrarlo a Villa Carlotta, in Tremezzina, al termine della sua ennesima performance dell’integrale delle Sonate beethoveniane" (see reviews' page). 

October 2017 Four standing ovations in a row have crowned Christian Leotta's performance of the last four recitals of his XXI Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas Cycle played at Villa Carlotta, on Lake Como, Italy. Newspaper "Il Settimanale" wrote: "Christian Leotta, benché giovane, può essere considerato oggigiorno uno dei più grandi interpreti di Beethoven. Le sue interpretazioni sono destinate a fare storia e sono ormai apprezzate in tutto il mondo. Si distingue per la tecnica prodigiosa, il delicato fraseggio, un sapiente uso delle indicazioni dinamiche e per l'incantevole cantabilità, grazie alla quale comunica profonde emozioni" (see reviews' page). 

September 2017
 Christian Leotta opened with great public and critic success the 36° edition of the "Festival Internazionale Concerti d'Autunno" in Bergamo, Italy, playing at the Sala Greppi the VII recital of the Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas Cycle! (see the reviews' page).

August 2017 In the last 12 months the digital sales of the Diabelli Variations's recording by Christian Leotta have reached almost one million of downloads and streaming on demand (over 700.000 listeners just on Spotify!!!). This is an extraordinary public and commercial success, which confirms the great appreciation expressed by the international press, which included this release by Christian Leotta on Atma Classique among the best Diabelli Variations available on the market (see the reviews' page).  

July 2017 Christian Leotta completed to perform the cycle of Beethoven's Five Piano Concertos with the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, playing the same evening the Piano Concertos No. 1, No. 2 e No. 4 to great public and critic acclaim. It is the first time in Asia that a single pianist performs in the same country both the cycles of the 32 Piano Sonatas and that of the 5 Piano Concertos in just four years in a row. The Bangkok Post, the most important newspaper of Thailand, has titled: "Making history on the piano" (see reviews' page).

July 2017 Christian Leotta opened the symphonic series of the "Festival del Luglio Musicale Trapanese" (Teatro di Tradizione), Italy, performing with great success the IV Beethoven's Piano Concerto with the Orchestra Sinfonica del Luglio Musicale Trapanese!

June 2017 Christian Leotta made a successful orchestra debut in Colombia, playing Beethoven's IV Piano Concerto with the "Orquesta Filarmonica de Medellin" conducted by M° Guerassim Voronkov at the great Teatro Metropolitano.

June 2017 Christian Leotta performed in Lima, Peru, a very successful recital entirely dedicated to Schubert, playing at the Teatro Pirandello the Piano Sonatas D 571, D 958 and D 960!

May 2017
 Christian Leotta talks to Professor Stefano Lamon about his new Schubert's project, presenting the seven recitals' cycle, entirely dedicated to the Austrian composer, which he will perform at the Alti Hall of Kyoto, Japan, in 2018 (see reviews' page).   

May 2017
 Christian Leotta will open the "Festival Internazionale i Concerti d'Autunno" at Bergamo's Sala Greppi, Italy, completing to perform the cycle of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas next September 19th and October 19th! 

April  2017 The prestigious Alti Hall of Kyoto, Japan, has announced the seven recitals "Schubert Cycle" performed by Christian Leotta next year on March 10th, 14th and 18th, on November 27th and on December 1st, 5th and 8th. The extraordinary program includes the Piano Sonatas, the Wanderer Fantasy, the Moments Musicaux, the Impromptus D 899 and D 935, the Drei Klavierstucke D 946, the 13 Variations D 576 and the Allegretto D 915, by the Viennese composer. Christian Leotta is the first pianist to perform in Japan a cycle of seven recitals entirely dedicated to Franz Schubert and one of the very few to have in his repertorie also the cycle of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, which he already performed in four continents 21 times, to great public and critic acclaim. 

February  2017  Last February 8th a magnificent standing ovation has crowned Christian Leotta’s first tour in the United Arabian Emirates (playing in Abu Dhabi and Dubai) and in Saudi Arabia (playing in Riyadh), presenting a program entirely dedicated to Schubert’s and Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas. Christian has also given a master class at the New York University of Abu Dhabi. A press release by the Italian Embassy in Riyadh said that “great was the emotion and the enthusiasm" evoked by Christian Leotta, who is "praised by the international press as one of the greatest Beethoven’s interpreters of our time”. 

December 2016  Great public and critic success for Christian Leotta in Messina, Italy, completing with the VII and the VIII recitals the performance of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, cycle presented for the first time in this city performed by only one pianist for the prestigious seasons of the Associazione Bellini and the Accademia Filarmonica (see reviews' page).

November  2016
  Christian Leotta's new press kit, including reviews and articles in eight languages (all translated to English) from five continents, is now available: check it at the menu's link "press kit"!

October  2016  Great review on American Record Guide, the oldest American music magazine! Alan Becker wrote about Christian Leotta's last CD with Beethoven's Diabelli Variations: "Since everything has conspired to place this recording among my favorites, I will list my other favorites: Anderszewski, Brendel, Demidenko, Kovacevich, Pollini, Schnabel, and Serkin" (see reviews' page). 

September 2016  Four standing ovations in a row and a great critic succcess crowned the first four recitals of the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle performed by Christian Leotta at Villa Carlotta on Lake Como, Italy. Mr. Alberto Cima wrote on Il Settimanale: "Christian Leotta, one of the greatest Beethoven interpreter of our time in spite of his young age... deeply understand Beethoven's soul as well as, in the past and today, did Artur Schnabel, Wilhelm Backhaus, Yves Nat, Wilhelm Kempff, Claudio Arrau, Alfred Brendel, Daniel Barenboim e Rudolf Buchbinder" (see reviews' page). 

July 2016  5 Stars on "Pizzicato" (Luxembourg) for Christian Leotta's new CD with the Diabelli Variations by Beethoven! Noted music critic Remy Frank wrote: "Christian Leotta's account of Beethoven's Diabelli Variations has to be counted among the best performances available on disc" (see reviews' page). 

June 2016 Great success for Christian Leotta in Bangkok, invited for the third year in a row to perform in Thailand! Presenting for the first time in its history the cycle of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas in 2014 and 2015, Christian Leotta opened on June 30th the cycle of Beethoven's Five Piano Concertos, playing the III and the V “Emperor” with the Bangkok Symphony in a fully booked Thailand Cultural Center. 

May 2016 A standing ovation with ten minutes of applauses crowned Christian Leotta's last performance of the Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas cycle, played for the 20th time by the young Italian pianist at the prestigious Alti Hall of Kyoto, Japan. The national press compared Christian Leotta to such legendary pianists as Artur Schnabel, Claudio Arrau, Wilhelm Kempff, Rudolf Serkin and Wilhelm Backhaus. Christian Leotta is the first Italian pianist invited to Japan to play the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle since Maurizio Pollini's performance of over 20 years ago (see reviews' page and the Facebook Official Site page).  

May 2016
 Fantastic review on the final recital of the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle in Kyoto! The Asahi Shimbun, the most important Japanese newspaper wrote: "Christian Leotta has led the audience to a state of ecstasy" (see reviews' page).

May 2016 A new great review on Christian Leotta's Diabelli Variations CD has been published on Fanfare: Dave Saemann places Christian Leotta's interpretation of this masterwork among the best available of Alfred Brendel and Vladimir Ashkenazy! (see reviews' page).

May 2016 Christian Leotta's last CD with the Diabelli Variations by Beethoven is "Editors' Choice" on! (see reviews' page).

April 2016 Christian Leotta's new CD recording of the Diabelli Variations by Beethoven is now available worldwide on Atma Classique!

February 2016 The Japanese press compared Christian Leotta to such legendary pianists as Artur Schnabel, Claudio Arrau, Wilhelm Backhaus, Rudolf Serkin and Wilhelm Kempff: three of the major music critics described Christian Leotta’s extraordinary success in Kyoto of last December, performing the first four recitals of his 32 Piano Sonatas cycle at Alti Hall (see reviews' page).

December 2015 Great public and critic success for Christian Leotta in Kyoto, Japan, performing the first four recitals of the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle by Beethoven at the prestigious Alti Hall: three standing ovations in a row and several minutes of applauses showed the great appreciation by the Japanese public to the interpretations of Christian Leotta, also invited to give a masterlcass by the University of Kyoto.

November 2015 For the third year in a row Christian Leotta is invited to perform in Japan: from December 5th to the 20th, Christian will perform, at the prestigious Alti Hall of Kyoto, the first four recitals of the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle by Beethoven, completing the series next April and May 2016. Christian Leotta is the first Italian pianist invited to Japan to play the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle by Beethoven since Maurizio Pollini's performance of over 20 years ago. 

October  2015 Over 10 minutes af applauses and a standing ovation crowned Christian Leotta's XIX performance of the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven at Villa Carlotta on Lake Como! (see reviews' page).

July  2015 Standing ovation for Christian Leotta performing Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor" with the Luglio Musicale Trapanese Festival Orchestra conducted by M° Marco Boemi!

June 2014
 Great review on Christian Leotta's solo debut in Hobart, Australia! (see reviews' page).

February 2015 Mr. Claude Gingras, the well-known music critic of Montreal's premier newspaper La Presse, includes Christian Leotta among "the great interpreters of the Piano Sonatas by Beethoven" that played in Montreal since 1961, comparing the young Italian pianist to the legendary names of Wilhelm Kempff and Rudolf Serkin! (see reviews' page).

February 2015 A fantastic new review on Christian Leotta's recording of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas is published on German music magazine "Rondo"! Matthias Kornemann concludes his article defining Christian Leotta as "a great interpreter of Beethoven" (see reviews' page).

February 2015 A great public and critic success for Christian Leotta last February 3rd and 5th in Algiers, performing for the first time in Algeria's and Africa's history the cycle of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas at the auditorium of the Radio Nationale Algerie. With two standing ovations and several minutes of applauses, the numerous public warmly thanked Christian Leotta's performances of the first eight Piano Sonatas, organized thanks to the support of the Italian Embassy in Algiers, the Italian Cultural Institute of Algiers and the National Radio of Algerie.

January 2015 Ongaku No Tomo, the most important classical music magazine of Japan, reviews enthusiastically Christian Leotta's recital in Kyoto of last October 31st, announcing also his performance in the same city of the cycle of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, scheduled in December 2015! (see reviews' page).

December 2014 The China Post published on December 23rd a fantastic review on Christian Leotta's debut in Manila! (see reviews' page).

December 2014 Christian Leotta is just back home after five weeks touring Asia, playing in Japan, in China, in Thailand, in the Philippines and in India, to great public and critic success, a series of twelve recitals in some of the finest concert halls of these countries, giving also five masterclasses invited by prestigious universities and musical instituitions. In the cities of Chongqing and Chengdu (China) were also organized two piano competitions entitled on Christian Leotta's name, to which over 400 young pianists were admitted to participate. 

September 2014 Great success for the first two recitals of the Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas cycle performed by Christian Leotta last Sep. 18 and 25 in Bergamo, Italy, opening the XXXIII edition of the prestigious “Festival Internazionale Concerti d’Autunno” at the Sala Greppi!

July 2014 Christian Leotta returns to Canada to record, at the beautiful Palais Montcalm of Quebec City, his new album for Atma Classique, including Beethoven's Diabelli Variations, to be released next Spring 2015! 

June2014 Maurizio Giani, Professor of Aesthetic and of History of Music at the University of Bologna (the world oldest University, founded in 1088, and one of the most prestigious in Italy), reviews enthusiastically Christian Leotta's recordings of the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven for Atma Classique, praising the young Italian pianist on an ample article published by "Il Giornale della Musica", the best sold Italian magazine of classical music; Prof. Giani stated: "Christian Leotta is considered by many to be the greatest Beethoven's interpreter of his generation...(he) is a first rate pianist, rigorous and concentrate, which seems to have Beethoven in his blood, so great are both his self-confidence and the amazing maturity with which he plays it... In short, we must thank Christian Leotta for one of the most significant Beethovenian integral of the last years (see reviews' page). 

June2014 Well known Italian concert pianist Nazzareno Carusi (Professor at the Accademia Pianistica di Imola) reviews Christian Leotta's recordings of the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven! (see reviews' page). 

April 2014 Bryce Morrison reviews on April's Gramophone Volume V of Christian Leotta's 32 Piano Sonatas cycle for Atma Classique! The famous critic stated: "He will shortly have played the sonatas 15 times in public; and even in a fiercely competitive marketplace his devotion to his task shines with an exceptional musianship". (see reviews' page). 

March 2014 Christian Leotta's interpretation of the Piano Sonatas by Beethoven received once more 5 Stars from the prestigious German music magazine Piano News! (see reviews' page). 

February 2014 An ample portrait on the complete cycles of the 32 Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas recorded by Christian Leotta, François-Frédéric Guy, Rudolf Buchbinder, Abdel Rahman El Bacha, and HJ Lim, has been published by German music magazine “Neue Musikzeitinmg”, including also considerations on the cycles to be completed by Angela Hewitt, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Mari Kodama, Jonathan Biss and Maurizio Pollini: according also to this prestigious German music magazine, Christian Leotta confirms himself as one of today’s best interpreters of Beethoven (see reviews' page).

February 2014 A great review on "Volume V" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas has been just published on Luxembourg magazine "Pizzicato". Remy Frank, its editor in chief, stated: "Without any doubt he is one of the major Beethoven soloists of our time" (see reviews' page). 

December 2013 "Musica", the Italian oldest magazine of classical music, reviews  "Volume IV" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas! (see reviews' page). 

October 2013 To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the Artistic Director of the Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur of Montreal invited performers "who have grown and made a place for themselves in music". Christian Leotta, who will perform a recital next April 27th, has been chosen with pianists Marc-André Hamelin, Alexandre Tharoud, Ian parker, the soprano Karina Gauvin, and M° Yannick Nézet-Séguin (see reviews' page). 

August  2013 Bryce Morrison reviews enthusiastically on Gramophone "Volume IV" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven: "Musicianly to the core, this young ltalian pianist quietly but unmistakably commands your attention at every level" (see reviews' page). 

July  2013
 Christian Leotta has just concluded, to great public and critic acclaims, his orchestral tour in Mexico, playing Brahms' First Piano Concerto and Beethoven's Fourth in Guadalajara with the Orquesta Filarmonica de Jalisco and in Monterrey with the Orquesta Sinfonica de la Universidad Autonoma de Nevo Leon. El Informador wrote: "Christian Leotta moved the audience at every passage of his performance" (see reviews' page).

May  2013
 New review in German magazine "Applaus" on "Volume IV" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas! (see reviews' page). 

April 2013 Following the extraordinary success of both public and press of Christian Leotta's recital in Jakarta of last February 11, part of his three weeks Asia's tour in China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Indonesia, the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute of Jakarta engaged Christian Leotta to perform, for the first time in Indonesia's history, the complete cycle of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas in a series of eight recitals, scheduled at the magnificent Auditorium of the Italian Cultural Institute of Jakarta on March 3, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 2014. 

February 2013 Christian Leotta has just concluded, to great public and critic acclaim, his three weeks tour in five Asian countries, playing in China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Indonesia. The prestigious Hong Kong Economic Times wrote: "The impeccable performance of Christian Leotta was really admired" (see reviews' page).

January 2013 A new review on "Volume IV" in German magazine "Rondo" has just been published! (see reviews' page).

December 2012 New review in Luxembourg magazine "Pizzicato" on "Volume IV" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's the 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique! (see reviews' page).

October 7, 2012 Much applause crowned Christian Leotta's debut in Bergamo, invited by the prestigious "Festival Internazionale I Concerti d'Autunno della Sala Greppi" to perform Beethoven's Bagatelles Op. 126 and Diabelli Variations Op. 120. The critic has defined Christian Leotta has as an "authoritative" interpreter of Beethoven, describing his performance as "masterful" (see reviews' page).

September 24, 2012 Christian Leotta has just concluded, most successfully, a concert tour in Latin America, which took him play for prestigious concert societies of Argentina, Peru and Brazil, such as the "Centro Cultural Amijai" of Buenos Aires, the "Sociedad Filarmonica de Lima", the "Sociedade Cultura Artistica" of Sao Paulo and "Dell'Arte" of Rio de Janeiro, presenting a program including Beethoven's Diabelli Variations Op. 120 and Bagatelles Op. 126.

September 1, 2012 Christian Leotta has successfully concluded the recording of the entire corpus of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas! The recording of "Volume V", including CDs IX and X of the series, was recorded by the Atma Classique team at the beautiful Palais Montcalm of Quebec City. The double album will be released in Spring 2013.

August 12, 2012 Extraordinary success of both public and press at the much anticipated recital of Christian Leotta at the "Festival di Cernobbio" in Villa Erba, Como (Italy), where more than 1000 people have attended the concert of the young artist (see reviews' page).

June 26, 2012 Praise from John Teraud in reviewing "Volume IV" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas (see reviews' page).

June 2012 Christian Leotta's new double album for Atma Classique, the "Volume IV" of his complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, is now available worldwide! 

May 2012 The prestigious German magazine "Piano News", distributed also in Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg, praised Christian Leotta's interpretations of Beethoven conferring the top valuation of 5* to the "Volume III" of his complete recordings of the 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

March 2012 A long standing ovation and a great critic's success crowened Christian Leotta's debut in Campione d'Italia; the prestigious "Corriere del Ticino" wrote: "Christian Leotta's intepretations of Beethoven will make history" and, on "La Provincia", Stefano Lamon said: "he hipnotized the public" (see reviews' page).

March 2012 Extraordinary success of Christian Leotta in Messina, Italy, performing a recital comprising Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Op. 10 No. 2, Op. 53 "Waldstein", Op. 49 No. 1 and Op. 106 "Hammerklavier" at the Palacultura (see reviews' page).

February 2012
Standing ovation for Christian Leotta at the beautiful Auditorium of Radio Algérienne, for his debut in Algiers, playing 7 Sonatas by Scarlatti and Beethoven's Hammerklavier. "La Neuvelle République", one of the most important newspapers of the country, published on the front page the news regarding the extraordinary success of the evening, defining Christian Leotta's debut in Algiers as "one of the most refined and most memorable recitals", asserting also that: "Christian Leotta bewitched his public thanks to his exceptional refindness and to his perfect technique".

November 2011 M° Riccardo Risalti, one of the most important Italian Piano teachers and music critics, compared Christian Leotta to the legendary Rosalyn Tureck for Bach and to the great Alfred Cortot for Chopin while presenting on Radioclassica the "Volume III" of his complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

October 2011 Weaver Artist Management of Melbourne welcomes Christian Leotta on its artists roster, representing exclusively the young Italian pianist in Australia and New Zealand.

September 2011 "Musica", the oldest and most prestigiuous Italian classical music magazine (member of the jury of the ICMA, the "International Classical Music Awards"), reviewed "Volume III" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique, defining the young interpreter as one of the top three Italian pianists of his generation (see reviews' page).

June 2011
Christian Leotta successfully recorded the VII and the VIII CDs of his cycle for Atma Classique of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas. The recording took place in Italy in May and June in the beautiful village of Dobbiaco, near the Austrian - Italian border. “Volume IV” of Christian Leotta’s complete Beethoven’s Sonata series will be internationally released next Spring 2012. The new double album includes the Piano Sonatas No. 1 in F minor Op. 2 No. 1, No. 4 in E flat major Op. 7, No. 5 in C minor Op. 10 No. 1, No. 15 in D major Op. 28 “Pastorale”, No. 26 in E flat major Op. 81a “Les Adieux” and 26 in E minor Op. 90. 

January  2011
Eminent American pianist and musicologist Susan Kagan reviews on "Fanfare" "Volume II" and "Volume III" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique, publishing also an exclusive interview with the artist (see reviews' page).

January  2011 New review on "Volume III" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique on "La Scena Musicale", a Canadian magazine issued in Montreal (see reviews' page).

November  2010 Christian Leotta makes his orchestral debut in Portugal, playing the "Emperor" Piano Concerto by Beethoven on November 12th at the Teatro Municipal of Portimao and on November 14th at the Teatro Municipal of Faro, accompanied by the Orquestra do Algarve coducted by Osvaldo Ferreira. 

October  2010 Mr. Remy Franck, editor in chief of the prestigious Luxembourg's magazine "Pizzicato" reviews "Volume III" of Christian Leotta's complete recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

September 22, 2010 The CBC Radio Canada broadcasts the entire recording of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 11 Op. 22, performed by Christian Leotta in the "Volume II" of his complete cycle for Atma Classique of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas.

September  2010 New review on "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique on the Italian national music magazine "Amadeus" (see reviews' page).

July 7, 2010  Christian Leotta has just
concluded, to great critic and public acclaim, the first performance in Peru's history of the 32 Piano Sonatas cycle by Beethoven, held between June 10th and July 5th at the Auditorium Central of the Universidad de Lima, thas performing for the 13th time the complete series of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas. 

March 21, 2010  After having performed 12 times the cycle of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas and 2 times that of his 5 Piano Concertos together with the Choral Fantasy, Christian Leotta  performed for the first time in Barcelona (Spain) and Chiasso (Switzerland), to great critic and public acclaim, the 33 Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli Op. 120 (see reviews' page).

November 15, 2009 The WRMC Radio of the Middlebury College (Vermont, USA), presents the "Volume I" of  Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of  Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas.

October 19, 2009 The Houston Public Radio of Houston (Texas, USA), broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 109  (included in the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

September 28, 2009 The WDAV Classical Public Radio of Charlotte (North Carolina, USA), broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 111  (included in the "Volume I" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

September 25, 2009
The Houston Public Radio of Houston (Texas, USA), broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"  (included in the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

September 24, 2009 The Houston Public Radio of Houston (Texas, USA), broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 22  (included in the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

August 18, 2009 The WWUH Radio of Hartford (Connecticut, USA), broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"  (included in the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

July 12, 2009
Radio Classique of Montreal broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 22 (included in the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

July 7, 2009
  "The Morning Show" of the Classical KUSC Radio of Los Angeles, presents the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique.

June 23, 2009  The Italian television channel "Espansione TV" invites Christian Leotta to present his new recording of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas (the "Volume II") at the program "Zerotreuno".

June 15, 2009  The Audio and Video Club of Atlanta reviews the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas for Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

June 9, 2009 The WGBH Radio of Boston, Massachusetts, broadcasts Christian Leotta's recording for Atma Classique of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein" (from the "Volume II" of his 32 Piano Sonatas' complete recordings).

June 7, 2009 Luisa Trisi writes a profile on Christian Leotta published on Atma Classique's website (see reviews' page).

May 29, 2009  The Corriere di Como of Como (published with the Corriere della Sera) reviews the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, issued by Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

May 27, 2009  The web sites of the Daily News and the NBC of New York, the NBC of Washington, the NBC of Philadelphia, the La Scena Musicale of Montreal and The Independent of Dublin, among others, reported the review on  the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, published on The Globe and Mail of Toronto last May 19.
May 19, 2009  The Globe and Mail of Toronto reviews the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, issued by Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

May 15, 2009
  Classical KING FM of Seattle presents the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas.

May 9, 2009
  Le Journal de Montreal of Montreal reviews the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, just issued by Atma Classique (see reviews' page).

May 7, 2009
  Riccardo Risaliti presents the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas at the radio program "Ultimo grido" hosted by Luca Ciammarughi on Radioclassica FM (Italy).

April 27, 2009  Radio-Canada presents the "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas.

April 10, 2009
  For over two weeks, "Volume II" of Christian Leotta's recording of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas, to be released on April 28th, has been listed by in the first 10 positions of the "Music Top 100 Sellers" hit,  in the category for "Instrumental-Orchestral" of the "New and Upcoming Releases".

March 27, 2009
On  March the 1st Christian Leotta concluded, with extraordi-nary success of both the public and the press, the performance of the cycle of Beethoven's 5 Piano Concertos and the Choral Fantasy Op. 80, at the magnificent and historical Teatro Degollado of Guadalajara (Mexico), accompanied by the Orquesta Filarmónica de Jalisco conducted by Héctor Guzmán and Anshel Brusilow. "Leotta only missed levitating" (El Informador, February 15th 2009) or "Leotta hypnotized the public once again" (El Informador, February 22nd 2009) this are just a few of the astonishing titles that appeared in the local newspapers, expressed by an enthusiastic critic which,  once more,  has also prized the "impeccable technique, clear phrasing and inspired interpretation" of the young pianist, recognizing as his major virtues  "the understanding of the score and the capacity to identify himself  with the soul of the music" (El Informador, February 15th 2009). In particular, on the Piano Concerto No. 4, the critic wrote: "Leotta succeeded in giving an intense performance, full of intimacy… In the Andante con moto, in which the famous "Beethoven’s silences" shine, the performer hypnotized, literarily, the audience, almost obliging the public to stop breathing thus rendering each note eternal. With the final encore (an Adagio from a Sonata of the same Beethoven), an inspired Leotta entranced the public once again and crowned another memorable day…" (El Informador, February 22nd 2009).
July 16, 2008  From a very short distance in time from its international official release date of last April 29th, the double CD “Volume I” of the 32 Beethoven Piano Sonatas, recordedby Christian Leotta for Atma Classique (comprising the Piano Sonatas Op. 10 No. 3, Op. 13 “Pathetic”, Op. 26, Op. 57 “Appassionata”, Op. 78 and Op. 111), is continuing to gain a great acclaim from the international critic, which has prized this recording saying: “…the Italian pianist Christian Leotta is a thoroughly compelling musician… which reveals a very deep musicality… using his prodigious technique to better express the poetry of Beethoven’s music” (The Whole Note, Toronto – Canada, May 2008); “…Leotta’s keyboard technique and interpretative insight form a complete package…Leotta brings out every nuance with consummate skill and a feeling for musical time that is ultimately timeless” (The Atlanta Audio Society, Atlanta – U.S.A., July 2008); “…Leotta presents the genius of Beethoven with a deep understanding, becoming one with him” (Das Echo, Vancouver, Canada, July 2008); “…Christian Leotta reveals an interpretative freshness which together with his virtuosity and musical choices leads us to listen to the Sonatas presented under a new light” (Beethoven & Bordeaux, Terrebonne (Montréal), Canada, March 2008); “…Christian Leotta, as his “maître à penser” Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, offers a performance of the Sonatas refined and technically brilliant… giving prof of great maturity” (Le Journal de Montréal, Montréal – Canada, April 5th 2008).

July 12, 2008  Christian Leotta has recently completed, with extraordinary success of both public and press, the two cycles of the Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas (performed by the young interpreter for the XI and XII time in his career), held in April and June in Como, Italy, at the prestigious Teatro Sociale and in May in Guadalajara, Mexico, at the famous “Festival Cultural de Mayo”. In both occasions, the national and international critic has exalted Christian Leotta’s musical and pianistic gifts, saying: “Christian Leotta performs the Beethoven Sonatas with rare skill…Very precise technique, extreme care for the dynamics, rhythmic precision, limpid touch and clear timbre” (La Provincia, Como, April 8 2008); “…what a lot of poetry, what a lot of lyricism which make even more lively and modern the genius of Beethoven. Leotta’s prodigious technique emerged “ad abundantiam” (in the Op. 106 more than ever). Very delicate, perfino moving, the Minuetto of Sonata Op. 49 No. 2… A great Christian Leotta” (La Provincia, Como, April 29 2008); “Again Beethoven, again the Teatro Sociale, again Christian Leotta. It’s an honor for Como to again have the great pianist…” (La Provincia, Como, June 28 2008); “Leotta constantly demonstrates  a great musical maturity: never obvious, never banal, always with original interpretative intuitions. Extraordinary success” (La Provincia, Como, July 8 2008”; “…pianist Christian Leotta has offered a masterly interpretation of the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven” (El Informador, Guadalajara, Mexico, June 6 2008); “…The 32 Beethoven Piano Sonatas performed by Christian Leotta have been with no doubt the climax point of the Festival…The great enthusiasm of the public from Guadalajara for Christian Leotta is worthy of being remembered: not only was he stopped in the street every time he went out or that emotional sobs were heard during his concerts, it even got to the point that I saw people fall to their knees in his presence. Personally, I join in the reverence shown to this young man, whos technical gifts were put to use in an exemplary way to serve his unquestionable maturity as interpreter” (Reforma, Mexico City, June 6th 2008); “The tour de force of Christian Leotta (to whom we wish a place amidst the immortal of the keyboard) to perform – and in a masterly way indeed – the 32 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven in 8 recitals, will be considered, most probably, as the point of reference for excellence of this just ended edition of the Festival Cultural de Mayo, which had Germany as guest Country. At a very brief distance from him, we can place the performance of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, the piano recital by Markus Groh, the performance of the ensamble and the choir Balthasar – Neumann and the Vogler Quartet, the concerts of the cellists Johannes Mosser and Daniel Müller-Shott and, at the end of the Festival, the violinist Ingolf Turban… (El Informador, Guadalajara – Mexico, June 12th 2008).

March 4, 2008  Atma Classique release the "Volume I" of Christian Leotta's recordings of Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas. The double CD, first one of a series of five, will be available internationally from April 2008.

May 29, 2007  The leading Canadian international label Atma Classique signs Christian Leotta to record the entire set of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas. The 10 CDs collection will be issued over a period of three years in 5 double CDs. The "Volume I" will be released in March 2008 and will include the Piano Sonatas Op. 10 No. 3, Op. 13 “Pathétique”, Op. 26, Op. 57 “Appassionata”, Op. 78 and Op. 111.

April 19, 2007
   The cycle of the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas recently concluded by Christian Leotta in Venice has met with extraordinary critical and public acclaim. The 8 recitals organized by the Richard Wagner Association in collaboration with the Municipal Casino allowed Venetian audiences to enjoy, after more than sixty years, the exceptional performance of the entire corpus of the 32 piano sonatas by the Bonn genius at the hands of one, single artist. The concerts were held for sold-out crowds and noted music critics Mario Messinis, Carlo De Pirro, Mirko Schipilliti and Chiara Squarcina lauded Mr. Leotta's profound and rigorous interpretations (articles are shown on the "reviews" page). This Venetian performance of the 32 piano sonatas, the fourth in Italy and the eleventh between Europe and the Americas, represents yet another accomplishment by Christian Leotta in proposing what is undoubtedly the most important and spectacular work ever written for piano to an ever-growing audience.

June 8, 2006
  The complete cycle of the 32 piano sonatas by Beethoven, interpreted by Christian Leotta, has just been concluded with immense success and critical acclaim by both public and press in Vancouver and Madrid, bringing the number of performances of this extraordinary musical undertaking, performed by the young artist, to ten. Once again, international critics have lauded “…Leotta’s exceptional capacity to make the piano “sing” and exalt the instruments timbre while dazzling his listeners with his extraordinary performing technique”, underlining that “…Leotta manages to express the fascination and atmosphere of Beethoven’s music, thanks to his rare intelligence and expressive sensitivity”.  The “coherence and formal balance” of his interpretation, together with his capacity to “move” the public, “...have made each of his concerts a unique experience”. Furthermore, critics have acclaimed the young interpreter’s “artistry in casting a powerful spell over his listeners”, and asserted that “…the interpretation of Christian Leotta is mature and fascinating, shedding new light, capable of bestowing happiness, on Beethoven’s music”.

April 2, 2004
   The President of the Italian Republic, Hon. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, awarded with his prestigious Medal the performance by Christian Leotta of the integral of Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas in eight recitals. This very important prize, the highest provided official recognition to an event, comes after a series of unquestionable successes lately obtained both nationally and internationally by Christian Leotta. The film produced in U.S.A. on Christian Leotta in October 2003 by HDNet (High Definition Television Production Company in Dallas, Texas), the most important digital television channel in North America, left a strong impression; the film includes the entire live  performances of Mozart's piano Concerto No.12, KV 414 (with Anshel Brusilow and the U.N.T. Chamber Orchestra) and Beethoven's piano sonata No. 29 "Hammerklavier" performed by Christian Leotta. Follows right after in Leotta's very busy schedule (on June 2004), the performance in eight recitals of the integral of Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas, presented in Mexico City at the worl-famous Nezahualcoyotl Hall, one of the most important halls in all Latin America.